Red Cross – Computer Aided Tools for Translators

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About Course

Even as a lay-translator, have you ever wondered…

  • if you really supposed to spend so much time on formatting your translated documents (for example in a Word Document)?
  • what it takes to translate a web page or a whole web site?
  • if that sentence just looks familiar, or if you have I translated it before?
  • what to do after you just spend 15 minutes researching how to translate just one single word?
  • how you would ever find the translated file that you translated two months ago?

The answers to all those questions depend on the tools you use for your translation.

Just like any professional, translators too use tools for their craft – and that for good reasons.


You want to know that you are consistently create good translations (and meaning). You should have access to dictionaries, parallel texts or sometimes even your previous translations. You also do want to focus on translation and not on formatting the files you deliver.


Obviously the days where translations were handwritten on paper or typed with typewriters are long gone. Translation has become embedded in a “Language Services Industry” of significant size, and it plays an important economical role.

The Computer Aided Translation Tools

So it makes sense that there is a whole range of electronic tools that facilitate almost all areas of the translation process. Those Computer Aided Translation tools – or short CAT tools – streamline many processes in the translation environment, and they are relevant even for non-professional translators like you.

Even though there are a lot of different CAT tools, there are some aspects that are usually quite similar. So it is extremely useful to know a little about those tools.

When you have completed this course, you ought to 

  • understand basic CAT tool principles
  • know how to translate a document in a CAT tool
  • be able to use SmartCat to complete all your assignments for the Red Cross
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What Will You Learn?

  • Recognise that translation is a professional activity with professional tools and processes.
  • Understand concepts like Translation Memory, Glossary and File Filtering
  • Have access to a tool
  • Know how to use the tool for a translation project
  • Know how to use the basic functions, like concordances, searching, and working in the grid

Course Content

Welcome and Introduction

  • How to use this course
  • Introduction – What does it mean to be professional?

The Tools used by Translators
Translation in the Digital World Professional translators have come a long way from the days when translations were hammered into stone. Nearly all human translation is done with the help of computers. So what are those Computer Aided Translation tools?

Before you start: CAT Tool Concepts, Ideas and Principles
There is a wide range of CAT tools, but the key concepts are: * To filter and protect File Formats * To store and retrieve each sentence you translate * To offer you a Work Space for all your translations

SmartCat the Tool for this Course – Sign up
The next two videos explain how you can sign up to SmartCat and set yourself up. This is a pre-requisite to actually working with SmartCat as a CAT tool

How-To: Video Tutorials about the Basics
The next three sessions are step-by-step tutorial videos. Each video explains the key skills required to work in SmartCat. There are two ways to use the videos: a) Watch them before you first translate a document. b) Use them as reference when you translate Don’t forget that SmartCat also has a useful helpfile, which you find here:

Bring it all together: A complete workflow
The previous video tutorials are like pieces of a puzzle, we still have to see how a whole workflow with SmartCat works. Here it is - and you can use the source file to do it yourself.